Upgrading to SketchUp Studio in the Account Management Portal

Follow the video to learn how to upgrade your subscription to SketchUp Studio.
How to upgrade:
1. Navigate to the Account Management Portal: https://ecom-prd.trimblepaas.com/account
2. Sign in using your Trimble credentials
3. Click on Plan Settings
4. Go to your current subscription and click on "Edit Plan Settings"
5. Click "Manage Plan"
6. Click on "SketchUp Studio"
7. Lastly, click continue to purchase the upgrade
How to upgrade:
1. Navigate to the Account Management Portal: https://ecom-prd.trimblepaas.com/account
2. Sign in using your Trimble credentials
3. Click on Plan Settings
4. Go to your current subscription and click on "Edit Plan Settings"
5. Click "Manage Plan"
6. Click on "SketchUp Studio"
7. Lastly, click continue to purchase the upgrade